The government will provide temporary accommodation for up to three thousand people 政府将给多达3,000人提供临时住处。
So, temporary accommodation of some sort is needed immediately. 因此,当前需要一些临时设施。
Additional temporary buildings are being shipped to the Christmas Island facility to alleviate the accommodation crisis and in anticipation of more arrivals. 额外的临时建筑设施已经运往圣诞岛,以缓解目前的住宿危机,并应对更多到来者。
Hundreds of people in the capital and along the Pacific coast have been moved to temporary accommodation because of the flooding. 由于水灾,在首都和太平洋沿岸的数百人都被转移到临时住所去了。
His sponsorship money will go to the Rhys Daniels Trust, which provides temporary accommodation for families of patients in specialist children's hospitals. 马丁所得的赞助费将捐给“里斯•丹尼尔斯信托基金会”,该基金专为儿童专科医院的病人家属提供短期食宿。
Nobody should have to seek temporary accommodation after release from treatment in an institution. 从治疗机构(戒毒所等)出来后,没有人需要寻求临时住所。
By putting homeless people into temporary accommodation, the government is treating the symptoms and not the cause. 政府为无家可归的流浪者暂时安顿了住宿,但这治标不治本。
The best they can hope for is to get temporary accommodation. 他们最大的指望就是找个临时住处。
They are living in temporary accommodation while their apartment is being renovated. 他们的公寓正在修理,只好住在临时的住处。
Submit Registration Form of Temporary Accommodation for Visitors issued by police station of the temporary residence in Kunshan; 提交昆山暂住地派出所出具的《境外人员临时住宿登记表》;
Temporary accommodation is available at halfway houses for those in need of such support immediately after release. 该署辖下的中途宿舍可为获释后立即需要援助者提供临时住所。
For lodging at hotel, hostel or inn, foreigner shall present valid passport, visa or residence permit, and fill in registration forms of temporary accommodation. He/ she shall present his/ her Alien Resident Certificate, passport or other forms of identification. 外国人在宾馆住宿的,须在入住时出示有效护照、者居留证件,并填写外国人临时住宿登记证。
For the tens of thousands of residents from towns around the plant who are stuck in far-flung temporary accommodation, reconstruction remains a distant dream. 核电站周围城镇的数万名居民至今仍暂住在偏远的临时居所中,对他们来说,重建仍然是一个遥不可及的梦。
A temporary accommodation of a disagreement between parties pending a permanent settlement. 在永久解决问题前各方就不一致达成的临时和解。
Homeless survivors are now scattered in prefabricated houses around the area or in temporary accommodation further afield. 如今,无家可归的幸存者们分散居住于附近地区的活动板房内,或更远地区的临时住所内。
A pigeonhole flat serves well as a temporary lodging for new grads, but it doesn't address their long-term needs for accommodation, he said. 他说,这种蜗居适合新毕业的大学生们暂时居住,但无法满足其长期居住的需要。
A registration Form of Temporary Accommodation for Aliens. 境外人员临时住宿登记表;
Pending our move to the new house we moved to temporary accommodation in london. 在我们迁入新居之前,我们先迁至伦敦的临时住处。
This weekend, I have to move out of my temporary accommodation and I have no idea where I'll go. 这周末,我将搬出我现在的临时住所,我不知道届时我又将会何去何从。
Even simple dormitory buildings, used by the villagers as temporary accommodation during construction of their new homes, have been let to poor migrants who have flocked to Shenzhen. 即便是村民们在建设新房期间搭建的临时住所,也已租给涌入深圳的贫穷移民。
The aim of the Council is to provide temporary accommodation for homeless persons. 市政会的目的是要给无家可归的人提供暂时住所。
The residents were relocated to temporary accommodation while the work was being done. 当工程正在进展的时候,居民被暂时安置在别的地方。
Hotel as their temporary lodging has already broken the simple function of accommodation, which even becomes the open window of a country and region, the platform and link for international communication. 而作为宾客之家的涉外酒店早已突破了简单意义的住宿功能,更成为一个国家或地区的窗口及国际交往的平台和纽带。